Executive Leadership
Executive Communication Struggle
Problem Situation
Though this executive felt he was articulate, he was still struggling to communicate effectively with his team. He discovered he was not only unable to meet their needs, but he wasn’t meeting his own. He knew that if he didn’t address this issue, he would never be in well-integrated organization.
The executive learned to communicate from the heart and have open, honest discussions with his team. He took the time to learn more about each of his team members – what their strengths were, what their weaknesses were – and how they can tap into those to be successful in what they’re trying to accomplish. This resulted in a significant improvement in the output and capabilities of his team.
Once he succeeded in bringing his team into better order, they became better synchronized and aligned with the larger organization’s goals.

From Fractured to Synchronized
Problem Situation
The team and their respective branches were isolated and operating independently. Team members often undercut each other to get ahead. They were highly competitive and there was no sense of camaraderie, so solving problems became drawn out and lengthy. This put a strain on resources and inhibited effectiveness.
Prior to working with In Sync Consulting, an outside audit evaluated the team and rated them “Ineffective,” the lowest of three possible grades (Ineffective, Partially Effective, and Effective).
After working with In Sync Consulting, the team experienced a significant improvement in their output and capabilities and became well aligned and synchronized. In the team’s weekly meetings, they began opening with a song that captured the spirit of where the team had been that week. They’d laugh, have a good time, and bring this positive energy into the meeting immediately following with the leadership team. Because the team learned how to work well together and support each other by being open, honest, and understanding, they were then able to solve 99% of the problems on the call.
In the most recent independent audit, the team received the best possible grade: Effective. They also improved their personal relationships so much they are now spending more time together: “This was another first – people wanted to be together after work and bring their loved one!”

Smoke & Mirrors
Executive staff was uninspired and unmotivated with dysfunctional communication.
APEX program for 6 key executives to help them create new levels of awareness, and become a healthier, more functional team with proactive communication.
By day two, the group had grown to be more open, vulnerable, and willing to try new things. Their willingness to discuss and address important issues increased substantially, and this directly resulted in retaining a key employee who was about to leave the organization. Then because they no longer had to incur the “real” costs of replacing that employee, costs which can be calculated upwards of 300 percent of the employee’s salary (due to things like recruiting, onboarding, and training, in addition to lost productivity and negative effect on morale), their Return on Investment from this factor alone exceeded 300%.
The team enjoyed higher levels of:
- Awareness: After a week of implementing new awarenesses learned during their APEX journey, all members reported an increase in being proactive within their departments and working together as a team. They reported several times that they were looking forward to working with each other more.
- Clarity: The group gained more clarity on where their measures were not helping them execute and made the changes required to increase effectiveness.
- Communication: Every participant reported higher levels of communication, energy and increased engagement.
After only 3 days of “seeing” the progress experienced by this pilot program’s members, the Executive Director scheduled another APEX event was for the rest of the staff.
What Got you Here, Won’t Get You There
Fragmented Department Leaders Getting It Together
Six leaders from different departments within an organization were:
- Operating independently, which was detrimental to their efficiencies.
- Failing in joint initiatives due to lack of trust, infighting, misunderstandings, and lack of cohesive communication.
- The leaders were shy, unclear, insecure, and anxious.
- The participants didn’t like and were attacking one other, taking things personally, and creating a great divide within organization.
Coming together for 100% participation in APEX, a 2-day deep dive that addressed their critical leadership issues and fractured relationships. During this experience, they dealt head-on with their own internal leadership issues, and discovered solutions to correct.
The leaders now enjoy:
- A Fresh Start: They learned to put the past in the past so they could begin anew.
- Honest Conversations: Whenever they had a difficult situation, they began going directly to the person to have the conversation one-on-one.
- Open Communication: They either no longer taking things personally or learned to share any concerns with one another so they could address the real issue.
New Beginnings – The executives now experience more:
- Cooperation: The members learned to cooperate and work successfully together, supporting each other’s initiatives, something they never did before.
- Connection: The five leaders allowed themselves to be vulnerable and open up. This allowed for more cohesive and honest conversations.
- Understanding: They came away with a better grasp of the pressures and requirements within other departments.
- Congruency: All members reported feeling less stressed and more in sync, with an increase in the quality of their relationships.
When asked to describe the results, many participants simply said: Victory. They also said APEX was “life changing” and “the best leadership program I have ever attended.”
Turning Around Hate & Discontent
- Broken and hostile communication.
- Lashing out and aggressive personal attacks.
- Gossiping about one another.
- Lack of understanding about the direction.
Five strangers met at a farm for a 2-day APEX training that addressed their lack of clarity, compassion, and understanding within the organization.
The participants learned they are not alone in trying to reach the organizational goals. They also discovered that by working better together, it made the experience more enjoyable and fun.
They now understand the holistic requirements to meet the goals, and reported increased energy levels. All five members also reported an increase in communication and better outcomes when addressing conflict. They reported less stress, irritation, and an increase in creativity.
They reported feeling that their lives and outlooks have completely changed, and this was the best training that they had ever been to.