What are some of your thoughts when it comes to having and playing with MONEY?
It might be I want more. Or it may be, how do I manage this stuff correctly? You may wish money grew on trees so there was always enough for you to buy the things you want. Perhaps you’re stressed that you can’t make ends meet or feel like your money’s controlling you and dictating your life decisions. The list goes on and on.
If you resonate and can maybe even add to the list above, In Sync invites you to play CASH FLOW TO GROW. This game, hosted by In Sync Consulting, is about getting you to feel in the flow of affluence. By the end of 30 days, you as a player will have created more of the FEELINGS (which is where everything happens) you need to create the reality you desire.
Are you ready to play? Here’s how it works.
For the month of August, you will receive a “for play digital” checks from In Sync in your email Inbox. This is not the kind you can take to the bank but you will be able to cash it into your emotional account. The amount of each day’s check will double as you play. Your objective is to spend your $ as your heart desires. Every week players will hop on 60 minute long Cash Call to check in with one another and discuss how you have been spending your money. After this call you will feel energized, excited and optimistic about how money and energy are exchanged.
Everyone will be a winner in this game! This is not a competition. You will feel a remarkable difference in how you live, breath and approach your financial well-being and also how energy and money relate to each other.
Cash Call Schedule
Kickoff August 2 7-8PM Pacific Time (CALL IN NUMBER 1-218-936-4700 Password: 548455#)
2nd Quarter August 13 (Time TBD)
Halftime August 20 (Time TBD)
Final Countdown August 27 (Time TBD)