Our relationship with fear has become a controlling and all-encompassing driver that divides us from the things that bring us the most joy. Below we share some examples and offer you a new perspective.
Let’s say you want to go on a long trip to another country, but you’re afraid you’re going to miss your home and your friends. You may also worry things won’t be safe where you’re going, or that maybe you will be in distress. So, you put off this trip that you want to go on because of your fear of being uncomfortable. Your fear of being uncomfortable is what is keeping you complacent, stuck, stagnant, and unwavering in your belief that you are doing this for your “safety.” Your idea of safety is so strong you don’t even think it’s linked to fear. Safety is driven out of fear of somebody taking something that is yours and you trying to protect it. That is fear.
Another relationship with fear that you may not have considered is your relationships. Many people stay in relationships that are not bringing joy because they believe they made a commitment. They are fearful of what may come if they break a commitment, or an agreement. Many stay in relationships for fear they may not find something better, that “this is as good as it gets”. These are beliefs systems based out of fear.
Your relationship with fear typically goes unchallenged. You do not challenge your mind, and instead let it wander around without any barriers. This process is what keeps you in a relationship with fear that directly impacts your relationship to your joy, to your faith.
Let’s talk about faith and faith’s relationship with fear. The whole concept of sin is based on fear. “Don’t do something wrong or you have sinned,” we’re told.
Fear is a tool that has been used to keep you from knowing your soul, your lightness, and your ability to access your deep wisdom and knowing of what is best for you. Most importantly, fear keeps you from love. It keeps you in a dense energy that prevents love being felt. Love is in your mind, body, and spirit and filling you with compassion, admiration, and respect for yourself and others.
Choose to challenge your wandering mind. Choose love over fear, all day, every day.
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Kiannaa Sadge